Monday, February 22, 2010

MyKeePass Removed from AppStore

I just found version 1.02 will cause password entry display issue. For that reason, I removed it from Apple store. Version 1.03 has been submitted to fix this problem, and it is currently under review.

The display issue cannot be fixed on iPhone OS 3.0. So version 1.03 will only for OS 3.1. I apologize for this display problem.

Update: Version 1.03 is available now. The only feature added is to hide/show password with the edit button.


  1. So far, I like the app and it works ok. I would like to see a timeout setting on the password entered. For instance, you log on, then click the url you want to go to in your password store, then when you go back to get the password you have to enter the keypass password again. If I could set a timeout to say 15 minutes it would be much more user friendly.

  2. Hi Dave,
    I withdrew MyKeePass 1.02 because it had a display bug. The 1.03 will be available in 24 hours.

  3. I love it!

    No clue if this is the place you would like to collect enhancement requests, but could you exclude the "Backup"-folder from the search function or at least give an option to exclude it? So far after every Sync I had to remove the backup folder in order not to get too many hits in the search.

    Keep up the good work - I will spread the word!

  4. Hi,

    one question:
    Is ist possible to get the app running on iPod Touch (First generation)?

    Thanks for your answer!

  5. I have tested it on ipod touch 1st gen. It is runnable, but slower. It seems only apple can make it available to the 1st gen. I have sent request to them, and we have to wait.

  6. Hi, I note that when editing an entry in the comment field, there is no Line return key on the pop-up keyboard...any reason for this ?

  7. Hello, there is no specific reason for no return keys. I was thinking comment field would not be popular, and obviously I was wrong.

  8. I am glad that another iPhone keepass program is available, in particular availability in Hong Kong App store. I am previously waiting for iKeepass but they can't be bought at App Store outside US/Canada.

  9. Feature request: Could you add the option for opening databases with a key file and a master password?

  10. Finally it's available for iPod touch Gen 1 users! Thanks man!
    I tested it and it works so far. Of course it's a hassle to export the kdbx file to a kdb file every time, and upload it manually, but at least I have my passwords available on the iPod.

    You should really disable the search in the backup folder, I had to delete the folder from my Mykeepass copy to use the search function.

    A feature request: support for attachments (.png files in my case).

  11. Hi DCF77,
    Glad to know Apple has made it available for ipod 1st gen :-) As for the backup folder search, it is a really good suggestion. I will disable it in the next release. Sorry about that.

  12. Hi Rowan,
    I am not sure how difficult it is to implement key file support, but I have added it into the requested feature waiting list, which is already very long :)

  13. Hello,
    very good job ;-)

    My Problem is: I'm using KeePass V2 with a keyfile on my W7-PC. I can make an V1-Export but this file will still need the keyfile.

    Has anybody a solution for this or will myKeePass support keyfiles sometimes?

    Best regards from Germany

  14. Hi,just noted a bug. Trying to create a new entry within a group, hitting "done" causes the app to crash. Seems to be related to the number of entries within a group...small number ok large number causes a crash.

  15. Hi Kevan,
    I am trying to repeat the bug. Meanwhile do you mind telling me around how many entries under the group?

  16. Hey I've found a workaround: Copy your database. Open this key-protected database and remove the masterkey (Datei/Master-Schlüssel ändern) and export this to V1 (only if you are using V2 like me).

  17. another two feature requests from me:

    -the possibility to show all characters when entering the mastr password
    -show the icons for the entries especially show some sort of icon if an entry is marked as expired in keepass!

    thanks :)

  18. Hello, the application is fine but http:// -> Browse don't work and I can't import my kdb file

  19. Hello, you may need to check the firewall setup on your desktop. It may block the http:// access

  20. Thanks! It works fine!

  21. I've exported my 2.0 password db in 1.x password db. When i try to' open it in MyKeePass, I receive a master password error.

  22. It needs copy/paste

  23. Hi Gabe,
    Can you export a test file (with fake information), and send it to me, so that I can check what happened.

    My email is MyKeePass AT


  24. So what KeePass database file format does this thing support? Where is the support documentation or user manual? Can I import my KDBX 2.10 KeePass Database and Key?

  25. Hi Ryan,
    KDBX 2.0 is not supported in this version. But it will be supported later.

  26. Re the crash with too many entries.

    My file has 14 groups with a total of 294 entries.

    The App reads ok with a large number of entries..only crashes when trying to add new entry. The current workaround is to use Desktop Keepass to add further entries to large groups.
    Experimentation shows that the crash occurs when trying to input 32nd entry or greater.

  27. Good stuff. Glad I did the extra digging to find this.

  28. iphone newbee question: how do I get my kdb file from the windows desktop to my iphone and vis versa?

  29. Hello,
    Please see my post "How to import/export KeePass datafile" on how to get kdb file from the windows desktop.

  30. Re the crash with too many entries.
    HI Kevan,
    Thanks for the information. I will fix it next version.

  31. Solution for:

    File is not supported (error code:UnsupportedVersion)

    You have to use the full Dropbox URL, not the short format. To achieve the full URL, call the short URL in the Mobile Safari and on the redirected Dropbox Website ( there will be a download button. Copy the link from this button and use it with the MyKeePass App! The correct Download link starts with and ends with ?dl=1 !
