Friday, April 9, 2010

A new home of MyKeePass

I found had many nice features, especially it provided forum. So I decided to host MyKeePass there. Please use the address below to enter your comments and suggestions:

Thanks a lot!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MyKeePass 1.1 is released

Added two most requested features:
1) KeePass 2.0 support;
2) Download KeePass files from a central server (e.g. DropBox);

I know neither of these two new features are perfect. KeePass 2.0 is not editable; and users still cannot access DropBox private files. I will be working to make them better :-)

Thanks a lot!

The way MyKeePass revealing password has been changed. Now instead of clicking "Edit" button, you should click the big ugly asterisk button above username (on the right side) to see your password!

Friday, March 26, 2010

MyKeePass 1.1 User's Manual

The manual of MyKeePass 1.1 can be downloded below:

I am still testing it myself. If I couldn't find big issues of it, I will submit this Sunday.

As version 1.1 combines KeePass 1.0 and 2.0 together, I have to rewrite the whole stuff. Hopefully, it would be at least as stable as version 1.0 :-)

Monday, March 22, 2010

MyKeePass 1.1 development progress :-)

Completed Features:
1) Added KeePass 2.0 support (read only);
2) Support Download KeePass File from Http Server (like DropBox);

I will release it after fixing some other issues and testing, hopefully in around 3 weeks;

A complete support of DropBox will not be available as DropBox hasn't released their API yet.

Some very early screenshots:

Friday, March 12, 2010

MyKeePass KDBX and DropBox Support is under development

I have seen a lot of requests for supporting of Kdb 2.0 file, and DropBox. So I decided to add these two features the next release.

I have already made some progress on the first feature (Kdb 2.0 support). Below are two screenshots of the version still under development. The first screenshot shows KDBX files are listed on "Files" window; the second screenshot shows a sample entry of KDBX file. Besides standard KDB files (username, passwords etc), you can also see that additional custom fields "hello" and "hello2":

Monday, February 22, 2010

MyKeePass Removed from AppStore

I just found version 1.02 will cause password entry display issue. For that reason, I removed it from Apple store. Version 1.03 has been submitted to fix this problem, and it is currently under review.

The display issue cannot be fixed on iPhone OS 3.0. So version 1.03 will only for OS 3.1. I apologize for this display problem.

Update: Version 1.03 is available now. The only feature added is to hide/show password with the edit button.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

MyKeePass 1.0.1 available now, please update

Version 1.0.1 is a minor release. It provides the following features:
1. copy username/password and comments;
2. open Safari directly in MyKeePass with username or password copied;

Bug fix:
1. deleting entry sometimes causes application crash

MyKeePass 1.0 souce code

update: I have uploaded the latest source code to the address below:

Please notice that there are two "projects":
The first one is named "KeePass", which is an iphone library project that parses KDB3 files;
The second one is name "MyKeePass", which builds the UI of MyKeePass 1.0 and uses "KeePass" to read/write KDB3 files.

Thanks a lot!

How to import/export KeePass datafile

Some users are asking how to import/export data files into MyKeePass. I think it might be helpful to write a short tutorial here (you need WIFI connection to do so).

1. Start the MyKeePass and click the "floppy disk" icon on the bottom-right:

2. MyKeePass will show a screen similar to the one below:

3. Open the web browser on your desktop, pointing it to the address shown on the step 2;

4. Click the "choose file" button on the desktop browser to select a file for uploading; and then click "submit" to actually upload it.

5. Press the "stop" button on the MyKeePass once the upload is done;

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MyKeePass 1.0 is available now

I am glad that MyKeePass is approved by Apple :-)
This very first version provides features below:
  1. View/Edit KeePass 1.0 password files;
  2. Import/Export KeePass files to your desktop;
  3. Search password entries;
Please be aware that if your KDB file contains large attachments, this application could be slow to encrypt the file. So it is recommended you don't use this tool to EDIT big KDB files (>10M)

Supporting of MyKeePass 2.0 and more features are currently under development.

Thanks a lot for using MyKeePass!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

MyKeePass 1.0 ScreenShots

Password File Management

Add New Group

Add New Entry or Group

Edit Existing Entry